Idraluna Archives

The A&A Spell List (Noscible Noospherics)

After a push to fill in duration and range parameters, I'm calling it blog-ready.

Drive link here (the spreadsheet of spell info is here)

Design Notes

Standalone book

One of my pet peeves is spell sections taking up huge chunks of rulebooks and being hard to reference. Since this is all DIY, anyone playing a Thaumaturge can get a pdf or cheap Lulu copy of the spells and everyone else won't have to flip/scroll past when consulting the core rules.


(Archaic word for grimoire, apparently) Never been a fan of how mages get spells in most D&D, either from the Ether when leveling up, or having to find them one by one in dungeons (complicating the GM's stocking efforts). This is my attempt to rationalize it & add flavor. A campaign begins with the Thaumaturges sharing one grammarye, randomly rolled on a d14. Subsequent books can be found or purchased (having all spells arrayed on a d14 table makes it much easier to integrate them into stocking procedures.)

Each grammarye has a range of spell levels, so there's an aspirational element as mages already are guaranteed a few high level spells if they survive long enough to cast them. Some also open up crafting subsystems like alchemy and vivimancy - the ones in place right now are sketchy, but there's room to grow.

Most titles are either garbled versions of real world grimoires or fictional references.

The spell list

The core of the list came from my effort to create silly Vancian names for the Cairn spells (So the lineage is probably TSR D&D -> 'OSR hivemind' -> Knave -> Cairn). I removed a few, added a few, got inspired to make some silly ones by a friend, and also added some setting-specific spells to subtly flesh out the role of wizardry on Antibor. Right now there are 130, which feels respectable, but I'd love to recklessly expand it into the 200s eventually.

Spell formatting

I tried to split the difference between Knave/Cairn-style ultra-minimalism and the overwrought legalese in newer editions. Delving Deeper and other OD&D retroclones were my benchmark here. The three parameters (target, duration, range) are mostly pretty obvious from the spell and are mainly listed to indicate which factors (if any) scale with caster level.

Ease of reference is something I'm still working on, but hopefully having only one grammarye to wrangle at a time will make it less onerous.

#archons-and-armigers #game-design