Idraluna Archives

d100 Logomantic Lexicon for Magic Word Spellcasters

Inspired by this recent post on Eldritch Fields.

I'm a sesquipedalian spell enjoyer; in my opinion D&D magic suffers from excessive demystification, and suffusing it with ridiculous archaic words is a simple way to reintroduce some grandeur. (Though this list probably would work best to mix these with the two d100 tables at d4 Caltrops).

Most of these were sourced from the amazing lists at The Phrontistery. I did my best to curate words that could conceivably form useful spells while occasionally throwing in a wild card.

  1. Abactinal: opposite the mouth, away from the surface
  2. Abyssopelagic: relating to the deep ocean
  3. Acopic: curing fatigue
  4. Aculeiform: thorn-shaped
  5. Aeropleustic: relating to aerial navigation
  6. Aligerous: winged
  7. Amaranthine: deep purple red, immortal
  8. Ampelidious: relating to vines
  9. Antenniferous: bearing antennae
  10. Argent: silver-white
  11. Atrous: jet-black
  12. Aurulent: gold
  13. Baetyl: meteoric stone
  14. Bolar: pertaining to clay
  15. Branchiferous: bearing gills
  16. Castral: of a camp
  17. Chrestomathic: pertaining to useful knowledge
  18. Cibarious: pertaining to food
  19. Cinerious: ashen
  20. Cosmotellurian: pertaining to both heaven and earth
  21. Cryptaesthetic: pertaining to supranormal perception
  22. Deontic: pertaining to duty or obligation
  23. Diadermic: puncturing the skin
  24. Effulgent: bright
  25. Erythraean: reddish
  26. Estiferous: emitting heat
  27. Excrescence: protuberance
  28. Falsiloquence: deceptive speech
  29. Ferriginous: iron
  30. Fictile: plastic, moldable
  31. Fulgural: pertaining to lightning
  32. Gelastic: provoking laughter
  33. Goetic: pertaining to black magic
  34. Gyroidal: spiral, rotating
  35. Hyetal: pertaining to rainfall
  36. Igniferous: bearing flame
  37. Incarnadine: blood-red
  38. Iridal: pertaining to the rainbow
  39. Jectigation: wagging
  40. Jettatura: evil eye
  41. Keratogenic: causing growth of horns or antlers
  42. Kinetogenic: causing movement
  43. Lambent: softly luminous
  44. Laminary: thinly layered
  45. Lampyridine: like or relating to fireflies
  46. Lapidarian: inscribed on stones
  47. Limpid: Clear, bright
  48. Lucernal: lamp-like
  49. Malaxage: softening by kneading (e.g. of clay)
  50. Matrical: like a womb or matrix
  51. Mellaginous: honey-like
  52. Metameric: having a segmented body
  53. Mimetic: pertaining to mimicry
  54. Motiferous: conveying motion
  55. Mulciberian: pertaining to metalworking
  56. Nebulous: cloudy, amorphous
  57. Niveous: snow-white
  58. Nubigent: moving among clouds
  59. Obnubilate: darken, hide, obscure
  60. Ocular: relating to eyes
  61. Onieric: pertaining to dreams
  62. Ophidian: snake-like
  63. Ornithic: bird-like
  64. Pampiniform: like a tendril
  65. Panacea: remedy, cure-all
  66. Pestiferous: disease-bearing
  67. Porphyrous: purple
  68. Precipitinogenic: causing precipitation
  69. Quaesitum: sought-after truth
  70. Quercine: pertaining to oaks
  71. Quisquilious: formed from rubbish
  72. Quisquous: perplexing, difficult to deal with
  73. Racemiferous: bearing clusters or bunches
  74. Ranarian: froggy
  75. Receptacular: acting as a receptacle
  76. Retromorphosis: worsening
  77. Rhabdoid: rod-like
  78. Stelliferous: many-starred
  79. Stomatiferous: bearing a mouth
  80. Sylvestral: pertaining to trees
  81. Tegmental: shell-like
  82. Tellural: pertaining to the earth
  83. Telodynamic: relating to the transmission of power to a distance
  84. Teratogenic: producing monsters
  85. Terpsichorean: relating to dancing
  86. Theriacal: pertaining to antidotes
  87. Trochiferous: wheeled
  88. Uberous: producing abundant milk
  89. Uliginous: slimy
  90. Umbraculiform: umbrella-shaped, providing shade
  91. Unciform: hook-shaped
  92. Unipotent: powerful in only one direction
  93. Velamentous: membrane- or sail-like
  94. Viatical: pertaining to roads or travels
  95. Virescent: greenish
  96. Welkin: the sky/heavens
  97. Xanthic: yellow
  98. Yttriferous: bearing yttrium
  99. Zoomimetic: imitating an animal
  100. Zygal: yoking or unifying, like the letter H or its crossbar

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