Idraluna Archives

The Great Antarctic Hexcrawl Pt. 4b - Pointcrawl Dungeons Revisited

Once I posted about my pointcrawl dungeon generator I was immediately waylaid by ideas for improving it.

The biggest shortcoming of that initial version is that it generated a pure abstraction with zero spatial information. I assumed I could infer spatial relationships on the fly or use the relative positioning of the output diagrams. That optimism was clearly unfounded:

In play, even an abstracted dungeon needs some spatial cues to aid navigation (or at least some way to distinguish different pathing options in conversation). One of my lodestar inspirations, The Iron Coral from Into The Odd is extremely terse and abstract but takes care to distinguish every exit with a direction:

So, I decided to overhaul my generator and give each room an approximate coordinate in 3d space that could be used to visualize the outputs and weight connection likelihood, like so:

  1. Determine how many levels the dungeon has (based on the square root of the room count, unchanged from before).
  2. Define square dimensions for each level by randomly rolling the approximate amount of 'empty' space between rooms (currently generates dungeons that are 1/6th to 4/7ths empty).
  3. Get the set of all possible coordinate triples and randomly assign one to each room.
# assign rooms to spatial coordinates
n <- nrow(rooms)
z_max <- levels
empty_factor <- runif(1, min=1.2, max=2.5)  # approximate amount of empty space
xy_max <- ceiling(sqrt(2*n/z_max))

coords <- expand.grid(x=1:xy_max, y=1:xy_max, z=1:z_max)
room_coords <- coords[sample(1:nrow(coords),n),]

I also overhauled how the rooms get connected. I tried distance-weighted randomization, but discarded it in favor of creating a relative neighborhood graph for each level. This approach has the disadvantage of being deterministic but produces nice-looking, intelligible, and (adequately) Jacquaysed results.

## Fill out relative neighborhood graph for each level
# generate pairs 
point_pairs <- expand.grid(test_graph$nodes_df$id, test_graph$nodes_df$id) %>%
  filter(Var1 != Var2)

for (i in 1:nrow(point_pairs)){
  p1 <- point_pairs[i, 1]
  p2 <- point_pairs[i, 2]
  if (dungeon_df$z[p1] != dungeon_df$z[p2]){next}  # skip if on different floors
  if (tryCatch({p1 %in% get_nbrs(test_graph, p2)}, error = function(e) {F})){next}  # skip if nodes already connected

  pair_dist <- sqrt((dungeon_df$x[p1] - dungeon_df$x[p2])^2 + (dungeon_df$y[p1] - dungeon_df$y[p2])^2 + (dungeon_df$z[p1] - dungeon_df$z[p2])^2)

  conn <- T
  for (p3 in 1:nrow(dungeon_df)){
    if (p3 %in% c(p1, p2)){next}
    if (dungeon_df$z[p1] != dungeon_df$z[p3]){next}  # skip for different floors
    # if p3 is closer to both p1 and p2 than they are to each other, no connection
    d1 <- sqrt((dungeon_df$x[p1] - dungeon_df$x[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$y[p1] - dungeon_df$y[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$z[p1] - dungeon_df$z[p3])^2)
    d2 <- sqrt((dungeon_df$x[p2] - dungeon_df$x[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$y[p2] - dungeon_df$y[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$z[p2] - dungeon_df$z[p3])^2)
    if (d1<pair_dist&d2<pair_dist){conn <- F}

  if (conn) {
    test_graph <- test_graph %>%
      add_edge(from = p1, to = p2, edge_aes = edge_aes(style = 'solid'))

For inter-level linkages I added some code to create vertical 'staircase' connections where rooms are directly atop each other. If there are no such rooms, the script just picks a random room on level a and then picks a (distance weighted) random room on level b.

# pre-emptively place inter-level staircase connections
  if(levels > 1){
    for(i in 1:(levels-1)){
      lvla <- unique(dungeon_df$level)[i]
      lvlb <- unique(dungeon_df$level)[i+1]
      conn_ct <- 0

      ## rooms directly above each other
      stair_rooms <- dungeon_df %>%
        filter(level%in%c(lvla, lvlb)) %>%
        group_by(x,y) %>% filter(n()>1) %>%

        stair_1 <- sample(stair_rooms$Room, 1)
        stair_2 <- stair_rooms %>%
          filter(x == stair_rooms$x[stair_rooms$Room==stair_1], y == stair_rooms$y[stair_rooms$Room==stair_1], Room != stair_1)
        stair_2 <- stair_2[1]

        test_graph <- test_graph %>%
          add_edge(from = stair_1, to = stair_2, rel = 'Stairs', edge_aes = edge_aes(style = 'dashed'))
        conn_ct <- conn_ct + 1

      if (conn_ct == 0){  # if no stair room, pick a random room and connect the closest room
        stair_1 <- sample(dungeon_df$Room[dungeon_df$level==lvla],1)
        elig_rooms <- dungeon_df %>% filter(level == lvlb) %>%
          mutate(dist = 1/sqrt((x-dungeon_df$x[dungeon_df$Room==stair_1])^2+(y-dungeon_df$y[dungeon_df$Room==stair_1])^2))
          stair_2 <- sample(elig_rooms$Room, 1, prob = elig_rooms$dist)
          test_graph <- test_graph %>%
            add_edge(from = stair_1, to = stair_2, rel = 'Stairs', edge_aes = edge_aes(
              style = 'dashed'

Lastly, I added a loop to place a few random bonus connections. This is essentially a vestige of an earlier version that weighted connection likelihood by both euclidean distance and number of existing connections:

bonus_connections <- min(sample(1:nrow(dungeon_df),1),sample(1:nrow(dungeon_df),1))
for (i in 1:bonus_connections){
  ### pick a random eligible node
  eligible_nodes <- test_graph %>% get_node_info() %>% mutate(weight = 1/(1+deg^2))

  first_node <- sample(eligible_nodes$id, 1, prob=eligible_nodes$weight)
  tryCatch({fn_cnxns <- get_nbrs(test_graph, first_node)}, error= function(e) {fn_cnxns <<- c()})
  fn_xyz <- dungeon_df[dungeon_df$Room == first_node, c('x', 'y', 'z')]

  eligible_nodes <- eligible_nodes %>% filter(!id%in%c(first_node, fn_cnxns)) %>%
    left_join(dungeon_df, by=c('id'='Room')) %>%
    mutate(dist = sqrt((x-fn_xyz$x[1])^2 + (y-fn_xyz$y[1])^2 + (z-fn_xyz$z[1])^6)) %>%
    mutate(weight = weight/dist)

  if(nrow(eligible_nodes) == 1){
    second_node <- eligible_nodes$id[1]
  } else{second_node <- sample(eligible_nodes$id, 1, prob=eligible_nodes$weight)}

  test_graph <- test_graph %>% add_edge(from = first_node, to = second_node, edge_aes = edge_aes(style = 'solid'))

I also added some code to label connections (doors between adjacent rooms, corridors between distant ones, traps, locked doors, etc.), and (just for fun) added a chance of generating teleporter connections.

Lastly, I tweaked the layout to just display the rooms spatially with a vertical and horizontal offset between levels. This 'exploded' look isn't very space efficient but is adequately readable relative to other options I tried.

Example Outputs

Current Script

### Script to generate pointcrawl dungeons with OD&D stocking

r_dungeon <- function(room_count='random', origin='generic'){
  if(room_count == 'random'){
    room_count <- round(rlnorm(1, meanlog = 3.5, sdlog=0.5), 0)
    room_count <- min(room_count, 144)
    room_count <- max(room_count, 10)

  # Randomly partition the rooms into levels
  levels = ceiling(sqrt(max(room_count-10,1))*runif(1,0.25,1.4))

  # initialize a basic dungeon key table
  rooms <- data.frame('Room' = 1:room_count, level=NA, 'Monster'=0, 'Treasure'=0, 'Entrance'=0)

  # assign rooms to spatial coordinates
  n <- nrow(rooms)
  z_max <- levels
  empty_factor <- runif(1, min=1.2, max=2.5); print(paste('empty_fac:', empty_factor))  # approximate amount of empty space
  xy_max <- ceiling(sqrt(2*n/z_max))

  coords <- expand.grid(x=1:xy_max, y=1:xy_max, z=1:z_max)
  room_coords <- coords[sample(1:nrow(coords),n),]

  rooms <- bind_cols(rooms, room_coords) %>%
    mutate(level = z) %>% rowwise() %>%
    mutate(Entrance = ifelse(runif(1)<(1/(5*level)), 1, 0)) %>% ungroup() %>%  # and give each room a chance of being an entrance
    arrange(level) %>% mutate(Room = row_number())

  if(sum(rooms$Entrance)==0){  # if we generated zero entrances, pick one on top level
    rooms$Entrance[rooms$Room==sample(1:nrow(rooms[rooms$level==min(rooms$level),]), 1)] <- 1

  # Use OD&D procedure to place treasures and monsters
  for(lvl in 1:levels){
    lvlrooms <- rooms %>% filter(level==lvl)

    while(sum(lvlrooms$Treasure)==0){ #Repeat stocking if no treasure generated
      for (i in 1:nrow(lvlrooms)){
        a <- sample(1:6, 1)
        if(a<3){lvlrooms[i, 'Monster']<-1} # if 1,2 on d6, monster
        a <- sample(1:6, 1)
        if(lvlrooms[i, 'Monster']==1&&a<4){ # if 1,2,3 in monster room, treasure
          lvlrooms[i, 'Treasure']<-1
        } else if(a==1&&rooms[i,'Monster']==0){ # if non-monster room, unguarded treasure
          lvlrooms[i, 'Treasure']<-1

    rooms[rooms$level==lvl,] <- lvlrooms

  # Generate treasures
  rooms$Treasure_desc <- rep('', nrow(rooms))

  for (room_id in 1:nrow(rooms)){
    if (rooms$Treasure[room_id]==1){
      level <- rooms$level[room_id]
      if (level == 1){rooms$Treasure_desc[room_id] <- r_gen_eval('[Dungeon_treasure_1]')}
      if (level %in% c(2,3)){rooms$Treasure_desc[room_id] <- r_gen_eval('[Dungeon_treasure_2_3]')}
      if (level %in% c(4,5)){rooms$Treasure_desc[room_id] <- r_gen_eval('[Dungeon_treasure_4_5]')}
      if (level %in% c(6,7)){rooms$Treasure_desc[room_id] <- r_gen_eval('[Dungeon_treasure_6_7]')}
      if (level %in% c(8,9)){rooms$Treasure_desc[room_id] <- r_gen_eval('[Dungeon_treasure_8_9]')}
      if (level %in% c(10,11,12)){rooms$Treasure_desc[room_id] <- r_gen_eval('[Dungeon_treasure_10_12]')}
      if (level >= 13){rooms$Treasure_desc[room_id] <- r_gen_eval('[Dungeon_treasure_13]')}
  rooms <- rooms %>% mutate(cluster = level)

  dungeon_df <- rooms %>%
    mutate(z = 4*z)  # scale z factor to penalize inter-level connections

  levels <- length(unique(dungeon_df$z))

  test_graph <- create_graph(directed=F) %>%
    #add_global_graph_attrs("layout", "fdp", "graph") %>%
    add_global_graph_attrs('outputorder', 'nodesfirst', 'graph') %>%
    add_nodes_from_table(dungeon_df) %>%
    set_node_attrs(node_attr = fontname, values = 'TT2020 Style B') %>%
    set_node_attrs(node_attr = fillcolor, values = 'gray90') %>%
    set_node_attrs(node_attr = shape, values = 'square') %>%
    set_node_attrs(node_attr = fontcolor, values = 'black') %>%
    set_node_attrs(node_attr = penwidth, values = 3) %>%
    select_nodes(conditions = Monster == 1) %>%
    set_node_attrs_ws(node_attr = fillcolor, value = '#eda495') %>%
    clear_selection() %>%
    select_nodes(conditions = Treasure == 1) %>%
    set_node_attrs_ws(node_attr = color, value = 'darkgoldenrod')%>%
    clear_selection() %>%
    select_nodes(conditions = Entrance == 1) %>%
    set_node_attrs_ws(node_attr = peripheries, value = 2) %>%

  # pre-emptively place inter-level staircase connections
  if(levels > 1){
    for(i in 1:(levels-1)){
      lvla <- unique(dungeon_df$level)[i]
      lvlb <- unique(dungeon_df$level)[i+1]
      conn_ct <- 0

      ## rooms directly above each other
      stair_rooms <- dungeon_df %>%
        filter(level%in%c(lvla, lvlb)) %>%
        group_by(x,y) %>% filter(n()>1) %>%

        stair_1 <- sample(stair_rooms$Room, 1)
        stair_2 <- stair_rooms %>%
          filter(x == stair_rooms$x[stair_rooms$Room==stair_1], y == stair_rooms$y[stair_rooms$Room==stair_1], Room != stair_1)
        stair_2 <- stair_2[1]

        test_graph <- test_graph %>%
          add_edge(from = stair_1, to = stair_2, rel = 'Stairs', edge_aes = edge_aes(style = 'dashed'))
        conn_ct <- conn_ct + 1

      if (conn_ct == 0){  # if no stair room, pick a random room and connect the closest room
        stair_1 <- sample(dungeon_df$Room[dungeon_df$level==lvla],1)
        elig_rooms <- dungeon_df %>% filter(level == lvlb) %>%
          mutate(dist = 1/sqrt((x-dungeon_df$x[dungeon_df$Room==stair_1])^2+(y-dungeon_df$y[dungeon_df$Room==stair_1])^2))
          stair_2 <- sample(elig_rooms$Room, 1, prob = elig_rooms$dist)
          test_graph <- test_graph %>%
            add_edge(from = stair_1, to = stair_2, rel = 'Stairs', edge_aes = edge_aes(style = 'dashed'))          

  ## Fill out relative neighborhood graph for each level
  # generate pairs 
  point_pairs <- expand.grid(test_graph$nodes_df$id, test_graph$nodes_df$id) %>%
    filter(Var1 != Var2)

  for (i in 1:nrow(point_pairs)){
    p1 <- point_pairs[i, 1]
    p2 <- point_pairs[i, 2]
    if (dungeon_df$z[p1] != dungeon_df$z[p2]){next}  # skip if on different floors
    if (tryCatch({p1 %in% get_nbrs(test_graph, p2)}, error = function(e) {F})){next}  # skip if nodes already connected

    pair_dist <- sqrt((dungeon_df$x[p1] - dungeon_df$x[p2])^2 + (dungeon_df$y[p1] - dungeon_df$y[p2])^2 + (dungeon_df$z[p1] - dungeon_df$z[p2])^2)

    conn <- T
    for (p3 in 1:nrow(dungeon_df)){
      if (p3 %in% c(p1, p2)){next}
      if (dungeon_df$z[p1] != dungeon_df$z[p3]){next}  # skip for different floors
      # if p3 is closer to both p1 and p2 than they are to each other, no connection
      d1 <- sqrt((dungeon_df$x[p1] - dungeon_df$x[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$y[p1] - dungeon_df$y[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$z[p1] - dungeon_df$z[p3])^2)
      d2 <- sqrt((dungeon_df$x[p2] - dungeon_df$x[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$y[p2] - dungeon_df$y[p3])^2 + (dungeon_df$z[p2] - dungeon_df$z[p3])^2)
      if (d1<pair_dist&d2<pair_dist){conn <- F}

    if (conn) {
      if(pair_dist == 1){node_rel <- sample(c('D', 'D', 'D', 'Locked', 'Locked', 'Open'), 1)
      } else {node_rel <- sample(c('C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'Trap', 'Obstruction'), 1)}
      test_graph <- test_graph %>%
        add_edge(from = p1, to = p2, rel=node_rel, edge_aes = edge_aes(style = 'solid'))

  # flesh out graph with extra connections
  bonus_connections <- min(sample(1:nrow(dungeon_df),1),sample(1:nrow(dungeon_df),1), sample(1:nrow(dungeon_df),1)); print(bonus_connections)
  for (i in 1:bonus_connections){
    ### pick a random eligible node
    eligible_nodes <- test_graph %>% get_node_info() %>% mutate(weight = 1/(1+deg^2))

    first_node <- sample(eligible_nodes$id, 1, prob=eligible_nodes$weight)
    tryCatch({fn_cnxns <- get_nbrs(test_graph, first_node)}, error= function(e) {fn_cnxns <<- c()})
    fn_xyz <- dungeon_df[dungeon_df$Room == first_node, c('x', 'y', 'z')]

    eligible_nodes <- eligible_nodes %>% filter(!id%in%c(first_node, fn_cnxns)) %>%
      left_join(dungeon_df, by=c('id'='Room')) %>%
      mutate(dist = sqrt((x-fn_xyz$x[1])^2 + (y-fn_xyz$y[1])^2 + (z-fn_xyz$z[1])^6)) %>%
      mutate(weight = weight/dist)

    if(nrow(eligible_nodes) == 1){
      second_node <- eligible_nodes$id[1]
    } else{second_node <- sample(eligible_nodes$id, 1, prob=eligible_nodes$weight)}

    # corridor type by distance
    pair_dist <- eligible_nodes$dist[eligible_nodes$id == second_node]
    if(pair_dist == 1){node_rel <- sample(c('D', 'D', 'D', 'Locked', 'Locked', 'Open'), 1); sty = 'solid'
    } else {node_rel <- sample(c('C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'Trap', 'Obstr.'), 1); sty = 'solid'}

    # if crossing floors, stairs
    if(dungeon_df$z[dungeon_df$Room==first_node] != dungeon_df$z[dungeon_df$Room==second_node]){node_rel <- 'stairs'; sty = 'dashed'}

    test_graph <- test_graph %>% add_edge(from = first_node, to = second_node, rel = node_rel, edge_aes = edge_aes(style = sty))

  ## Layout adjust
  test_graph <- test_graph %>%
    set_edge_attrs(fontname, 'TT2020 Style E') %>%
    mutate_edge_attrs(label = rel) %>%
    mutate_node_attrs(y = y - ((level-1)*xy_max*1.1)) %>%
    mutate_node_attrs(x = x + ((level-1)*xy_max*0.75))

  # teleporters
  if(runif(1,0,1) < (n/500)){
    tele_count <- sample(1:ceiling(sqrt(n)), 1)
    for(i in 1:tele_count){
      tele_rooms <- sample(1:n, 2)
      test_graph <- test_graph %>%
        add_edge(from = tele_rooms[1], to = tele_rooms[2], rel='Teleporter', edge_aes = edge_aes(label = 'Teleporter', color = 'skyblue', style = 'dotted'))


#DIY #antibor #dungeons #lore24