Idraluna Archives

Antiborean Magic Item Namer

Following on my Antiborean village generator, here's one I made for naming magic items, again using Paper Elemental's HTML generator. Right now it just spits out names without any other details -- I'm attempting to implement the conclusions I arrived at in my muddled post about deduction, induction, and abduction in random tables. Better an evocative prompt than a boring result.

Like the village generator, this one pulls from existing adjective lists (the throw spaghetti at the wall method) & has some ridiculous Carcosa-inspired titles baked into it, so there's an unfortunate tendency to chain together way too many uses of the word 'of' (e.g. The Burning and Supreme Orb of The Silent Vault of the Legion). It also sometimes generates some pretty hilarious shorter names, like The Forbidden Book of Joe or The Unhygienic Sword.

#antibor #lore24 #random-tables